Bedrooms are designed to be the most comfortable and intimate rooms in a home. If you feel that it’s time for some improvements in this area, you have quite a few options. 

• Replace your headboard. Before you go out and get a new bed, think about just replacing the headboard. This is a piece that makes a big difference to your bedroom. An even simpler solution is to cover your current headboard with material to give it a new look.

• Add a plant or two. In addition to giving your bedroom a more natural organic look, plants literally help the atmosphere by cleaning the air and adding moisture. This is especially helpful in chilly months when heat tends to dry the air.

• Remove TV and other electronics. This is a health and feng shui as well as design tip. Research shows that watching TV or using a computer before bed interferes with sleep. These devices also clutter up bedrooms.

• Paint your bedroom. Be sure to choose a color that matches the mood you prefer. Blue and green is good for a calm and relaxed mood. If you’re after a more romantic look, try a shade of red or purple. 

• Get an armoire. An armoire can be both functional and attractive piece for your bedroom. This is usually a large piece with space for hanging articles of clothing as well as drawers for storage. If your closet is overstuffed, an armoire might be your solution.